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Эмблема АНГЛ.png



    The emblem of the party is made in two-color scale (blue and gold), and symbolizes the unity of the earth and sky.

    On the outer radius of the emblem is a narrow strip of blue. It symbolizes the life-giving atmosphere, Cosmos, freedom.

  Against this background, the name "UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY" was minted with gold - the only political force capable of returning and defending the rights of freedom, prosperity and life taken away from the people!

    On its outer edge, the band is bounded by a gold border, as a reminder that everything in the World is not infinite, and is subject to the Higher Law, which, by its limitations, does not allow freedom to grow into chaos, prosperity into greed, and life into permissiveness.

    The inner circumference of the emblem is gold. It is a symbol of grace, a symbol of our Earth, filled with countless treasures.

    The central place in the emblem is occupied by the images of two pyramids (straight and inverted), graphically depicted in the form of two adjacent triangles with no visible connection boundary. The triangle, as the only geometric figure, not subject to any deformation, symbolizes the rigidity and integrity of the Basic Law of Civil Society

    Together, the two triangles are a regular geometric shape - a rhombus.

    The rhombus stands out in a slightly different color from the color of the small circle.

   Filling a rhombus with gold symbolizes the Society filled with people.

   The party UDPR defends the person - the Citizen, as the hig-hest value of the State!

   At the same time, the combined pyramids with two vertices opposite to each other (power and contempt) symbolize the power of the people, and the fragility of power over them. It is the people who are free, both to ascend the hero to power, and to cast down the tyrant.

    The rhombus is indicated by the border pressed into the body of the small circle.

  Thus, the emblem denotes the approved authority of civil society over all the resources of the land that belongs to it ..

   On the horizontal axis of contact of the triangles is the all-seeing eye of people, warning that everything that happens in the state is under the close control of the Society. And the silence of people does not mean that they are blind. People see everything! And the time will come, and they will overthrow any tyrant into oblivion.

    Thus, the emblem of the party can be characterized by a cha-in of cyclical statements: "We are the people! The people are the power! Power is the Law! The law is justice! Justice is we!"

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