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How much can you step on the same rake? How much can you believe in the fact that the right king will come and change the life of the people for the better and save Ukraine?

Politicians repeat my theses, the government creates institutions that I proposed at the end of the last century! But they do all this with the sign "pseudo"! It is beneficial for them to create the appearance of work and make people believe

The time has come when people are obliged to see the light and take the rescue of themselves and their country into their own hands!

It is time to unite and create OUR TRUE AND PEOPLE'S 


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    Dear friend! 

   If you went to the site of the party ODPR, it means that you are not indifferent to the fate of our country and the whole people. Apparently, you were looking for the truth, but you did not find it. This means that you are a thinking person, a person who is looking for freedom and justice.

   Power in the countries of the former USSR was not always readyand not willing to obey the laws of conscience and justice. Therefore, to voluntarily go for the destruction of the existing rigid system of false values ​​would mean for her the loss of political dividends obtained in a corruption war. and opportunities for unhindered personal enrichment.

  The concept of building a just Society was developed by me back in 1996 in the conditions of the deep degradation of society, which began with the times of Gorbachev's perestroika, and the outright plundering of a once prosperous country by successive criminals.

  Back in the early 90s, I saw the first steps of the government towards the complete destruction of statehood and the East Slavic civilization. But I had to go through fire, water and copper pipes in order to fully understand that the gin released from the bottle in 1985 would not return back to the bottle on its own. And, if society seeks to survive in the fight against this sinister evil, it must change the rules of the game. And no one can change this, except for the society itself, the people themselves.

  Have you ever noticed the difference between the candidate’s election statements and his actions when he gained power?

  As a rule, the candidate in his election campaign will stigmatize the former government! And he declares that he can no longer live like this! That the people are below the poverty line! And that he (the candidate), when he comes to power, will radically change the life of the people!

   And each of us would declare the same, and believe that, having come to power, he will change everything!

  But what happens after such a person comes to power?

  For the people, nothing good happens. This is, at best. And, at worst, after coming to power, such a person tightens the noose around the neck of the people even more.
   Why is this happening?

 Because any person, having the purest thoughts initially, having got into the millstones of the post-Soviet immoral and cynical System of power, either becomes the cog of this System, or changes it for itself, and makes it even more cynical and immoral.

 The reason for everything is the temptation of unhindered enrichment, the coexistence in the team of already formed participants of the System, and the inevitable "breaking" of morality! The only question is the time of "breaking".

 The former representative of the society (the representative of the "sheep flock"), having come to power, eventually transforms into a predatory "wolf". This is the law of the System!

 The System of immoral power involves two participants: a representative of the power - the consumer of the products of society (money and other valuables), and the Society - the manufacturer and supplier of these products.

 Corrupt authorities do not want to do anything, except for the creation of new secretive mechanisms for fooling and robbing the Society (people).

  Wolves cannot get enough unless they live inside a flock of sheep.

  Thus, the Society becomes the second participant of the System - the donor. For it is the Society that allows those in power to legitimize their iniquities and rob their own people in their own country with impunity!

  When I came into contact with the System, and assessed the mechanism of its destructive activity, I developed my own System of counteraction against this vicious practice.

  I created the System of protection of the Society against any possibility of its deception and robbery by any, the most sophisticated member of the government!

  But I understood that it would be impossible to change the shameful System of power and create conditions for its self-destruction without the desire of the second member of the System - the Society (people).

  The people are the only force capable of breaking the System and destroying its mechanism!

   In order to create conditions for a legitimate strug-gle against the System and victory over it, under the conditions of the amended Constitution it was necessary to unite people into political power, giving people a legitimate opportunity to change and destroy the System.

  However, the people themselves must desire chan-ge, they themselves must want to be free! Like a sick person. To recover from a disease, a person must first of all want to be healthy!

   Unfortunately, at that time, the society was not rea-dy to change its consciousness!

 It was necessary to create a political party. I prepared the program of the new Party and program theses. And here, for the first time, I made a tactical mistake! I thought it would be right to start with the promotion of my idea in the already created political associations.

  Starting in 2014, I passed on the conclusions and theses of my Program to various leaders of various political parties and associations in the hope of their patriotism and desire to improve the lives of people and make them truly free citizens.
However, it did not go further conversations!

   The apotheosis of my meetings was the statement of one of the interlocutors: “I will help with the creation of the party, and bring the people. But, what will I personally have? ”. After that, my negotiations on the creation of the party were completed.

   Our party is not in a position to give a leader, or any other person, separate dividends. The internal relations mechanism laid down in the ideology of the Party excludes any legal inequality between ordinary members of society and political figures or leaders of power! The regulation of all relations in society is carried out by the will of the people in an automatic mode. And no one can influence his will.

   Therefore, when it comes to my System of relations in society, every time I emphasize that I do not care who and how decides to come to power. Because people always see and understand everything! And the Society receives all the levers to regulate the power in the country. And if someone tries to turn power into a personal enrichment method, or decides to change the political system, or takes other steps that worsen the life of the people or restrict their rights, the power of such people will be immediately abolished by the Society automatically. And no one can stop this process!

   This postulate is fully consistent with the symbols of the party, which I developed, and which is part of the emblem.

  However, over time, parts of my System, taken out of the general context, began to “surface” in the programs of some political forces.

  In their form, these “programs” reminded me of a bridegroom, who, having lost his male weapon, came on the first wedding night to the bride. Maybe I wanted to, but I could not!

  If you want the car to go, you must complete it. Because if you deprive the car of the wheels, or the engine, or gasoline, the car will not go! The machine is a system of interactions of various components and assemblies!

   Similarly, my System! This is a system of interaction of various conditions.
  Those who tried before, and now try to "fulfill" one of the conditions, neglecting others, doom him to defeat!

   This happened, for example, with the creation of an anti-corruption bureau.

   And it would not be so bad if it did not concern the life of people, their future!

  Over time, I became disillusioned with all the lea-ders of political associations with whom I had to communicate!

  I see that in recent years the process of political influence on the population is carried out in the narrow interests of individual chauvinistic, political or oligarchic forces and is aimed at achieving their own selfish goals by depriving people of their rights and freedoms!

 The last thing that remains for me in these conditions is to fulfill my civic duty to the Society - to publicize my System, and also to announce the creation of an UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY, which will unite under its banner all people for whom freedom and justice are not empty words, for whom there is patriotism, it is not only a bright embroidery, it is not imposing one’s ideas on the vast majority of the population, intimidating those who disagree with a gun in their hand are cowardly hiding their faces under a balaclava!

  But for whom patriotism is a desire to unite the people, this is peace and respect for each other, this is the desire for a prosperous life, not inhuman survival, protection of defenseless people, love for their compatriots, for life according to an understandable and fair Law! For whom patriotism is a guarantee of a happy future for yourself and your descendants without the influence of any external force!

 And I believe that the ideas of the UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY - as a system of true democracy, will spread over time to other countries, where the legal democratic basis of the Constitution  is replaced by a pseudo-legal pseudo-democratic!

Party ideologist, Arkady Kapustenko

Extract from the main provisions of the Charter Party

   By announcing the concept of building a new just society of equal rights and equal responsibility before the law, the party begins this construction with itself.
   Thus, the Party assumes responsibility for the living conditions of citizens, for the laws that it plans to establish for the life of the Society in the future.

   In  the emblem  of  the Party there  is a new symbol of true democracy. This symbol is the symbolism of the party.
   A Party is created on the basis of a free and voluntary association of citizens of different nationalities, religions, membership in language groups, etc., which support ideas and party programs.

Party Membership

  Party membership is the honorable and res-ponsible privilege of the true patriots of the Motherland!
   A member of the Party can be any citizen who has reached the age of majority, has no open criminal record, is recognized as capable, shares ideas and supports the Party Programs.
  Membership in the party provides for the possibility of membership in another political organization (party, association), whose activities are not prohibited by law, and its ideology does not contradict the ideology of the party.

   All members of the Party are equally subject to the Charter of the party.

Structural units of the Party

   Structurally, the Party consists of Party cells, local, regional Executive Committees, and the Central Political Council of the Party.
   In addition, the Party initiates the creation of temporary internal institutions of political power - the Party Commissions “Party Commission”, ensuring the purity of the Party’s ranks and the compliance of the decisions of the Party’s leadership with the Party’s ideology and Political Programs, approved by the Party’s Congress (Referendum).
 The creation of each separate Party commission takes place at the initiative of the members of the Party and from among the members of the Party automatically upon reaching the threshold for the number of initiators.
   Party members may initiate the creation of a Party commission in the event of anti-party, sabotage (aimed at undermining the authority of the Party) activities of anyParty members, sabotage (deliberate non-execution or paraphrasing of decisions of the Central Political Council of the Party), other activities discrediting the title of Party member (criminal activity, immoral, antisocial lifestyle).
   The Party Commission can also be convened if the Central Political Council of the Party makes decisions that go against the ideology of the Party, its Programs, approved by the Congress (Referendum) of the Party.
  The competence of the Party Commission includes: party censure, party warning, deprivation of party membership, the convocation of an extraordinary meeting of the regional executive committee of the party, cancellation / suspension of decisions of the Central Political Council of the party, the convening of an extraordinary Congress (referendum) of the party.
  In the case when members of the Party simultaneously initiate the creation of several regional Party commissions, one Party Commission is convened, the competence of which includes consideration, and rendering a decision on all initiated party accusations.
  Decisions of party commissions are manda-tory for all party members and party units.
  Each individual Party commission ceases to operate after it makes a decision on the merits of the initiated party prosecution.
  The members of the Party of a separate re-gion elect the leadership of the Executive Committee in their region.
  Members of the Party at the next Congress (Referendum) elect (approve) the members and the leadership of the Central Political Council of the Party.
   A candidate for the post of the Party can be nominated by any member of the Party who has a desire or has experience in organizational work, or has his own motivated decision of party problems leading to a more complete and concrete implementation of the basic idea of ​​the Party.
   The main political authority of the Party is the Party Congress.
   The competence of the party congress inclu-des: election / re-election of members of the leadership of the Central Political Council of the party, approval / disagreement granted by the Central Political Council of the party’s party programs for the reporting period, acceptance / rejection of the tasks of the party’s regional development. 

  Due to a number of historical, geopolitical reasons, some of the tasks of the main programs of the Party can change and transform in the interests of the Society over time.
   Therefore, the competence of the Party Cong-ress also includes proposing, approving or changing the tasks of the main Party Programs.
   At the present stage, the Party Congresses are held remotely, via videoconference via the Internet. Party members who do not have their own computers or do not have access to the Internet should be provided with the opportunity to participate in a videoconference via a computer used by the regional office of the Party.
    Meetings of Party commissions, regional exe-cutive committees and the Central Political Council, where possible, are held via videoconferencing.
  Voting Parties are held remotely via the Internet.
    The decisions of the Central Political Council, if they are not directed against the ideology and the Political Program approved by the Congress (Referendum) of the Party are binding for all subordinate units (Executive committees, Party cells).
   All materials of the Party are published in the media.
   The interaction between all the organs of the Party is based on the principles of rigid democratic centralism.

   Party reporting takes place from the bottom up. And also, from top to bottom during the reporting campaign or by the decision of the Party Commission.

Party Guide 

   Party activities are managed by the Political Council, headed by the Chairman of the Political Council of the Party. 
   Members of the Political Council of the Party can be any members of the Party who have their own motivated decisions of party tasks leading to a more complete and concrete implementation of the main idea of ​​the Party, approved by the Congress (Referendum) of the Party.
  The Political Council of the Party also inclu-des the heads of the regional branches of the Party (Executive Committees).

   At the time of the creation of the Party, the Political Council includes: the initiators of the creation of the Party.

Goals and Objectives of the Party

 The strategic task of the Executive Com-mittees, cells and members of the Party in the field is to campaign and propagate the ideology and programs of the Party in order to select and attract new candidates for members of the Party.
  The strategic task of the party number 1 - winning the majority of seats in parliament at different levels.
   The strategic task of Party No. 2 is to win at the presidential elections.

  The decisions of both strategic tasks of the Party are necessary for the possibility of amending the Constitution to achieve the Main Goal of the Party - Building a truly democratic, socially-oriented Society of equal rights and equal responsibility before the Law.

Party Financing

  To achieve the goals and objectives of the Party, funding is needed. The party is financed through voluntary donations and regular party contributions.
   In  order  to  properly  store and use party funds, the Party organizes the Party Fund.
   Party money is needed for: campaign events, election campaigns, legal and financial support for Party members, publication of party materials in the media, maintenance of the party apparatus, provision of executive committees with office equipment, rent or purchase of real estate for the Party offices, and others.

   Expanded texts of sections of this release, as well as other sections of the Charter will be published in the full text of the Charter and in the internal documents of the Party.

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